• Publications of Harald Vranken

  • The pdf's of all recent publications are publicly available at Research output repository at Open Universiteit (either directly under an open access license or 6 months after the publication date under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act).

    Academic publications - Professional publications

    Academic (refereed) publications

    Guest editor - Journal papers - Conference papers - Workshop contributions - Books/Reports - University reports

    Guest editor

    [1] MDPI Electronics (open access), Special Issue on ’Network Intrusion Detection Using Deep Learning’.

    Journal papers

    [17] Sai, A.R. and Vranken, H. 2024. Promoting rigor in blockchain energy and environmental footprint research: A systematic literature review. In Blockchain: Research and Applications 2024, 5(1), 100169, Elsevier (Open Access). DOI=https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bcra.2023.100169
    [16] Willems, D., Kohls, K., Van der Kamp, B., and Vranken, H. 2023. Data Exfiltration Detection on Network Metadata with Autoencoders. In Electronics 2023, 12(12), 2584, Special Issue Network Intrusion Detection Using Deep Learning, MDPI (Open Access). DOI=https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12122584
    [15] Vranken, H. and Alizadeh, H. 2022. Detection of DGA-Generated Domain Names with TF-IDF. In Electronics 2022, 11(3), 414, Special Issue Design of Intelligent Intrusion Detection Systems, MDPI (Open Access). DOI=https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11030414
    [14] Alizadeh, H., Vranken, H., Zúquete, A., and Miri, A. 2020. Timely Classification and Verification of Network Traffic Using Gaussian Mixture Models. In IEEE Access 8 (2020): 91287-91302, IEEE (Open Access). DOI=http://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2992556
    [13] Masanet, E., Shehabi, A., Lei, N., Vranken, H., Koomey, J., and Malmodin, J. 2019. Implausible projections overestimate near-term Bitcoin CO2 emissions. In Nature Climate Change 9 (September 2019): 653-654, Nature. DOI=http://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-019-0535-4
    [12] Haag, J., Vranken, H., and Van Eekelen, M. 2019. A Virtual Classroom for Cybersecurity Education. In Transactions on Edutainment XV, LNCS 11345 (2019): 173-208, Springer. DOI=http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-59351-6_13
    [11] Kröhnke, L., Jansen, J., and Vranken, H. 2018. Resilience of the Domain Name System: A case study of the .nl-domain. In Computer Networks 139 (2018): 136-150, Elsevier. DOI=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.comnet.2018.04.015
    [10] Kroeze, C., Caniëls, M., Huitema, D., and Vranken, H. 2017. Editorial overview: Learning and Innovation in Resilient Systems. In Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2017, 28:iv-vi, Elsevier. DOI= http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2017.11.004
    [9] Vranken, H. 2017. Sustainability of bitcoin and blockchains. In Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2017, 28:1-9, Elsevier. DOI= http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2017.04.011
    [8] Kiljan, S., Vranken, H., and Van Eekelen, M. 2016. Evaluation of transaction authentication methods for online banking. In Future Generation Computer Systems 80(2018): 430-447, Elsevier. DOI= http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2016.05.024
    [7] Kiljan, S., Simoens, K., De Cock, D., Van Eekelen, M., and Vranken, H. 2017. A Survey of Authentication and Communications Security in Online Banking. In ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 49(4): 61:1-61:35 (February 2017). DOI= http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3002170
    [6] Haag, J., Witte, Ch., Karsch, S., Vranken, H., and Van Eekelen, M. 2014. Evaluation of students’ learning behaviour and success as a prerequisite for modernizing practical on campus networking courses in higher education. In Journal of Higher Education (Yüksekögretim Dergisi) 4(2):83-90 (August 2014).
    [5] Sehgal, A., Dubey, A., Marinissen, E. J., Wouters, C.R., Vranken, H. P. E., and Chakrabarty, K. 2005. Redundancy modeling and array yield analysis for repairable embedded memories. In IEE Proceedings Computers and Digital Techniques 152(1): 97-106 (January 2005).
    [4] Vranken, H., Waayers, T., Fleury, H., and Lelouvier, D. 2002. Enhanced reduced pin-count test for full-scan design. Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA) 18(2): 129-143 (April 2002). DOI= http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1014989408897
    [3] Kiefer, G., Vranken, H., Jan Marinissen, E. J., and Wunderlich, H.-J. 2001. Application of deterministic logic BIST on industrial circuits. Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA) 17(3-4): 351-362 (June 2001). DOI=http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1012283800306
    [2] Vranken, H. 2000. Debug facilities in the TriMedia CPU64 architecture. Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA) 16(3): 301-308 (June 2000). DOI=http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1008307818771
    [1] Vranken, H. P. E., Witteman, M. F., and Van Wuijtswinkel, R. C. 1996. Design for testability in hardware/software systems. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 13(3): 79-87 (Sep. 1996). DOI= http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/54.536098

    Conference papers

    [41] Pankovska, E., Sai, A.R., Vranken, H. and Ransil, A. 2024. Electricity Consumption of Ethereum and Filecoin: Advances in Models and Estimates. In Proceedings 2024 ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing. (Avila, Spain, April 8-12, 2024). SAC 2024. ACM, 269-277.
    [40] De Kraker, W., Vranken, H., and Hommersom, A. 2023. GLICE: Combining Graph Neural Networks and Program Slicing to Improve Software Vulnerability Detection. In Proceedings of 8th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy; DevSecOps Research and Opportunities Workshop. (Delft, Netherlands, July 3, 2023). Euro S&PW DevSecOpsRO 2023. IEEE, 34-41.
    [39] Pankovska, E., Sai, A.R., and Vranken, H. 2023. Determining Optimal Incentive Policy for Decentralized Distributed Systems Using Reinforcement Learning. In Proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. (Dubai, United Arab Emirates, May 1-5, 2023). ICBC 2023. IEEE, 1-5.
    [38] Kumar, S., Vranken, H., Van Dijk, J., and Hamalainen, T. 2019. Deep in the Dark: A Novel Threat Detection System using Darknet Traffic. In Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (3rd International Workshop on Big Data Analytic for Cybercrime Investigation and Prevention). (Los Angeles, CA, USA, December 9, 2019). Big Data/BDACIP 2019. IEEE, 4273-4279.
    [37] Kronjee, J., Hommersom, A., and Vranken, H. 2018. Discovering software vulnerabilities using data-flow analysis and machine learning. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security. (Hamburg, Germany, August 27-30, 2018). ARES 2018. ACM, Article 6.
    [36] Van Es, E., Vranken, H., and Hommersom, A. 2018. Denial-of-Service Attacks on LoRaWAN. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (International Workshop on Security and Forensics of IoT) (Hamburg, Germany, August 27-30, 2018). ARES/IoT-SECFOR 2018. ACM, Article 17.
    [35] Van Roosmalen, J., Vranken, H., and Van Eekelen, M. 2018. Applying Deep Learning on Packet Flows for Botnet Detection. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing; Computer Security track. (Pau, France, April 9-13, 2018). SAC 2018. ACM, 1629-1636. DOI = https://doi.org/10.1145/3167132.3167306
    [34] Pijpker, J. and Vranken, H. 2016. The Role of Internet Service Providers in Botnet Mitigation. In Proceedings of the European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (Uppsala, Sweden, August 17-19, 2016). EISIC 2016. IEEE, 24-31.
    [33] Kiljan, S., Vranken, H., and Van Eekelen, M. 2016. User-Friendly Manual Transfer Of Authenticated Online Banking Transaction Data: A Case Study That Applies The What You Enter Is What You Sign Transaction Authorization Information Scheme. In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications, Vol. 4: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (Lisbon, Portugal, July 26-28, 2016). SECRYPT 2016. SCITEPRESS, 259-270.
    [32] Kiljan, S., Van Eekelen, M., and Vranken, H. 2016. Towards A Virtual Bank For Evaluating Security Aspects With Focus On User Behavior. In Proceedings of 2016 SAI Computing Conference (London, UK, July 13-15, 2016). IEEE, 1068-1075.
    [31] Kiljan, S., Vranken, H., and Van Eekelen, M. 2014. What You Enter Is What You Sign: input integrity in an online banking environment. In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust (Vienna, Austria, July 18, 2014). STAST-2014. IEEE, 40-47.
    [30] Haag, J., Witte, Ch., Karsch, S., Vranken, H., and Van Eekelen, M. 2014. An exercise assistant for practical networking courses. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference On Computer Supported Education, Vol. 1 (Barcelona, Spain, April 1-3, 2014). CSEDU-2014. SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, 97-104. (Best student paper award)
    [29] Schless, T. and Vranken, H. 2013. Counter Botnet Activities in the Netherlands: A Study on Organisation and Effectiveness. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (London, UK, December 9 - 12, 2013). ICITST-2013. Infonomics Society, 442-447.
    [28] Haag, J., Witte, Ch., Karsch, S., Vranken, H., and Van Eekelen, M. 2013. Evaluation of students’ learning behaviour and success in a practical computer networking course. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (Lodz, Poland, September 23 - 25, 2013). ICEEE 2013. 201-206.
    [27] Haag, J., Karsch, S., Vranken, H., and Van Eekelen, M. 2012. A Virtual Computer Security Lab As Learning Environment For Networking and Security Courses. In Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Computer Science Education: Innovation and Technology (Singapore, November 19 - 20, 2012). CSEIT 2012. Global Science & Technology Forum, 61-68.
    [26] Thiadens, Th., Best, M. van, Broek, J. van den, Ham, R., Haverkort, F., Schellekens, C., and Vranken, H. 2011. Cloud computing: differences in approach between large organizations that use cloud computing and providers of cloud services in the Netherlands. In Proceedings of the 6th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (Limassol, Cyprus, September 3 - 5, 2011). MCIS'11. Paper 27. http://aisel.aisnet.org/mcis2011/27.
    [25] Kamer, J., and Vranken, H. 2011. The impact of server virtualization on ITIL processes. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, May 7 - 9, 2011). CLOSER '11. SciTePress, 643-649.
    [24] Vranken, H., Haag, J., Horsmann, T., and Karsch, S. 2011. A distributed virtual computer security lab. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Vol. 1 (Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, May 6 - 8, 2011). CSEDU '11. SciTePress, 110-119.
    [23] Haag, J., Horsmann, T., Karsch, S., and Vranken, H. 2011. A distributed virtual computer security lab with central authority. In Proceedings Computer Science Education Research Conference (Heerlen, The Netherlands, April 7 - 8, 2011). CSERC '11. Open Universiteit, Heerlen, 89-95.
    [22] Koppelman, H., and Vranken, H. 2009. Comparing synchronous and asynchronous interaction in CS distance education. In Proceedings of Informatics Education Europe IV (Freiburg, Germany, November 5 - 6, 2009). IEE IV '09. 103-108.
    [21] Vranken, H., and Koppelman, H. 2009. A virtual computer security lab for distance education. In Proceedings of the 5th IASTED European Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (Cambridge, UK, July 13 - 15, 2009). EuroIMSA '09. Acta Press, Calgary, Canada, 21-27.
    [20] Vranken, H. 2009. Improving wiki quality by applying web of trust. In Proceedings of the 5th IASTED European Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (Cambridge, UK, July 13 - 15, 2009). EuroIMSA '09. Acta Press, Calgary, Canada, 121-127.
    [19] Baas, K., Vranken, H., and Rusman, E. 2008. Experiences with virtual classes in distance education. In Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (Crete, Greece, September 29 - October 1, 2008). CATE '08. Acta Press, Calgary, Canada.
    [18] Koppelman, H., and Vranken, H. 2008. Experiences with a synchronous virtual classroom in distance education. In Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (Madrid, Spain, June 30 - July 02, 2008). ITiCSE '08. ACM, New York, NY, 194-198. DOI= http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1384271.1384324. Also published in SIGCSE Bull. 40(3): 194-198 (June 2008). DOI= http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1597849.1384324
    [17] Vranken, H., Goel, S. K., Glowatz, A., Schloeffel, J., and Hapke, F. 2006. Fault detection and diagnosis with parity trees for space compaction of test responses. In Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Design Automation Conference (San Francisco, CA, USA, July 24 - 28, 2006). DAC '06. ACM, New York, NY, 1095-1098. DOI= http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1146909.1147185
    [16] Tang, Y., Wunderlich, H.-J., Vranken, H., Hapke, F., Wittke, M., Engelke, P., Polian, I., and Becker, B. 2004. X-masking during logic BIST and its impact on defect coverage. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Test Conference (Charlotte, NC, USA, October 26 - 28, 2004). ITC '04. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 442-451.
    [15] Gherman, V., Wunderlich, H.-J., Vranken, H., Hapke, F., Wittke, M., and Garbers, M. 2004. Efficient pattern mapping for deterministic logic BIST. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Test Conference (Charlotte, NC, USA, October 26 - 28, 2004). ITC '04. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 48-56.
    [14] Vranken, H., Sapei, F. S., and Wunderlich, H-J.. 2004. Impact of test point insertion on silicon area and timing during layout. In Proceedings of the Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe - Volume 2 (Paris, France, February 16 - 20, 2004). DATE '04. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 810-815.
    [13] Vranken, H., Hapke, F., Rogge, S., Chindamo, D., and Volkerink, E. 2003. ATPG padding and ATE vector repeat per port for reducing test data volume. In IEEE Proceedings of the International Test Conference (Charlotte, NC, USA, September 30 - October 2, 2003). ITC '03. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 1069-1078.
    [12] Vranken, H., Hapke, F., Rogge, S., Chindamo, D., and Volkerink, E. 2003. ATPG padding and ATE vector repeat for reducing test data volume. In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE European Test Workshop (Maastricht, The Netherlands, May 25 - 28, 2003). ETW '03. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 347-352.
    [11] Sehgal, A., Dubey, A., Marinissen, E. J., Wouters, C., Vranken, H., and Chakrabarty, K. 2003. Yield analysis for repairable embedded memories. In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE European Test Workshop (Maastricht, The Netherlands, May 25 - 28, 2003). ETW '03. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 35-40.
    [10] Vranken, H., Meister, F., and Wunderlich, H.-J. 2002. Combining deterministic logic BIST with test point insertion. In Proceedings of the IEEE European Test Workshop (Corfu, Greece, May 26 - 29, 2002). ETW '02. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 105-110.
    [9] Vranken, H., Waayers, T., Fleury, h., and Lelouvier, D. 2001. Enhanced reduced pin-count test for full-scan design. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Test Conference 2001 (Baltimore, ML, USA, October 30 - November 01, 2001). ITC '01. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 738-747.
    [8] Irion, A., Kiefer, G., Vranken, H., and Wunderlich, H.-J. 2001. Circuit partitioning for efficient logic BIST synthesis. In Proceedings of the Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe (Munich, Germany, March 13 - 16, 2001). DATE '01. IEEE Press, Piscataway, NJ, 86-91.
    [7] Kiefer, G., Vranken, H., Marinissen, E. J., and Wunderlich, H. 2000. Application of deterministic logic BIST on industrial circuits. In Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Test Conference (Atlantic City, NJ, USA, October 03 - 05, 2000). ITC '00. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 105-114.
    [6] Voeten, J. P. M., and Vranken, H.P.E. 2000. Behavior-preserving transformations for design-for-test. In Proceedings of the 26th EUROMICRO Conference - Volume 1 (Maastricht, The Netherlands, September 5 - 7, 2000). EUROMICRO '00. IEEE, 193-201.
    [5] Vranken, H., Garciá Garciá, T., Mauw, S., and Feijs, L. 2000. IC design validation using message sequence charts. In Proceedings of the 26th EUROMICRO Conference -Volume 1 (Maastricht, The Netherlands, September 5 - 7, 2000). EUROMICRO '00. IEEE, 122-127.
    [4] Van Eijndhoven, J. T. J., Sijstermans, F. W., Vissers, K. A., Pol, E. J. D., Tromp, M. J. A., Struik, P., Bloks, R. H. J., Van der Wolf, P., Pimentel, A. D., and  Vranken, H. P. E. 1999. TriMedia CPU64 architecture. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Design (Austin, TX, USA, October 10 - 13, 1999). ICCD '99. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 586-592.
    [3] Vranken, H. 1999. Debug facilities in the TriMedia CPU64 architecture. In Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE European Test Workshop (Constance, Germany, May 25 - 28, 1999). ETW '99. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 76-81.
    [2] Vranken, H.P.E., Stevens, M.P.J., and Segers, M.T.M. 1997. Design-for-debug in hardware/software co-design. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Hardware/Software Co-Design (Braunschweig, Germany, March 24 - 26, 1997). Codes/CASHE '97. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 35-39.
    [1] Vranken, H.P.E., Stevens, M.P.J., Segers, M.T.M., and Rhee, J.H.M.M. 1994. System-level testability of hardware/software systems. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Test Conference (Washington, D.C., USA, October 02 - 06, 1994). ITC '94. IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 134-142.

    Workshop contributions

    [8] Vranken, H., 2024. Applying AI for detecting security vulnerabilities and anomalies. Presentation at ACCSS - Security and AI workshop (Centrum voor Veiligheid en Digitalisering, Apeldoorn, Sepember 27, 2024).
    [7] Vranken, H., 2023. Discovering vulnerabilities in source code with AI. Presentation at AFFECT.NL workshop (Automated Finding, Fixing or Exploiting of seCuriTy vulnerabilities) (Radboud University, June 14, 2023).
    [6] Vranken, H., and Poll, E. 2015. Een mastercursus over software security; van contactonderwijs naar afstandonderwijs. In Proceedings Nationale Informatica Onderwijs Congres (Enschede, The Netherlands, April 23 - 24, 2015). NIOC '15. Stichting NIOC/Saxion, 92.
    [5] Vranken, H., and Koppelman, H. 2009. Een virtueel computersecuritylab. In Proceedings Nationale Informatica Onderwijs Congres (Utrecht, The Netherlands, April 7 - 8, 2009). NIOC '09. Hogeschool Utrecht, 44-51.
    [4] Bennebroek, M., Vranken, H., and Danilin, A. 2006. Stuck-at fault testing of FPGA cores using standard test pattern generation. Poster presentation at IEEE European Test Symposium (Southampton, UK, May 21 - 25, 2006). ETS '06.
    [3] Marinissen, E. J., and Vranken, H. 2001. On the role of DfT in IC-ATE matching. In Digest of Papers of IEEE International Workshop on Test Resource Partitioning (Baltimore, ML, USA, November 1 - 2, 2001). TRP '01.
    [2] Voeten, J.P.M., Van der Putten, P.H.A., Geilen, M.C.W., Vranken, H.P.E., and Stevens, M.P.J. 1997. System level description of complex hybrid systems. Presentation at Barga System Level Design Workshop (Barga, Italy, July 8 - 10, 1997).
    [1] Vranken, H.P.E., Stevens, M.P.J., and Segers, M.T.M. 1996. High level DFT for hardware/software co-testing. In Digest of Papers of IEEE International High Level Design Validation and Test Workshop (Oakland, CA, USA, November 15 - 16, 1996). HLDVT '96.


    [3] Blom, T., Sahebali, W., Deppe, K., Romijn, P., Donath, F., and Brennenraedts, R. Ransomware-aanvallen op instellingen en bedrijven in Nederland. (Lid begeleidingscommissie). WODC, Den Haag, 2023.
    [2] Haag, J., Karsch, S., Vranken, H., and Van Eekelen, M., 2015. An exercise assistant for practical networking and IT security courses in higher education. In Computer Supported Education, S. Zvacek et al. (eds.), Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) 510, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015, pp. 1-15.
    [1] Chapter 2 - The internet: historical and technical background. Van Eekelen, M. and Vranken, H., pp. 31-43; Chapter 12 - Basic cybercriminal techniques & techniques to cause damage. Leukfeldt, R., Van Eekelen, M., De Jong, E., and Vranken, H., pp. 167-179. In Cyber safety: an introduction, Leukfeldt, E.R. and Stol, W.Ph. (eds.). Eleven international publishing, The Hague, 2012.

    University reports

    [4] Kiljan, S., Koen, S., De Cock, D., Van Eekelen, M., and Vranken, H. 2014. Security of Online Banking Systems. Technical Report TR-OU-INF-2014-01, Open Universiteit, DOI= http://portal.ou.nl/documents/114964/523334/TR-OU-INF-2014-01.pdf
    [3] Vranken, H.P.E. 1998. Design for test & debug in hardware/software systems. PhD thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology. DOI= http://alexandria.tue.nl/extra3/proefschrift/boeken/9801277.pdf
    [2] Vranken, H. P. E. 1994. A structured approach towards system-level testability of hardware/software systems. Thesis of postgraduate program Information and Communication Technology, Stan Ackermans Institute, Eindhoven University of Technology.
    [1] Vranken, H.P.E. 1992. A study on architectures for digital signal processors and an implementation in IDaSS. MSc thesis, Eindhoven University of Technology. DOI=http://alexandria.tue.nl/extra2/afstversl/E/382204.pdf

    Professional (non-refereed) publications

    Books - Popular press - Presentations - Media coverage


    [1] Kenniskring Virtualisatie en cloud computing. 2011. Cloud computing: ontzorging van de klant? Fontys Hogeschool, lectoraat ICT governance.

    Popular press

    [3] Open Universiteit. 2024. Onderzoek is de motor van de energietransitie. In Open Magazine, Jaargang 04/2024, 28.
    [2] Open Universiteit. 2021. Welke rol speelt AI bij botnetbestrijding? Website Open Universiteit - Onderzoek (https://www.ou.nl/-/botnetbestrijding)
    [1] Schless, T. and Vranken, H. 2014. Counter Botnet Activities in the Netherlands: A Study on Organisation and Effectiveness. In Intercom 43(2):75-82, Vereniging van Officieren van de Verbindingsdienst. (reprint van ICITST-2013 publicatie, ter gelegenheid van toekenning René Olthuisprijs door de Vereniging Informatici Defensie aan majoor T.L.A. Schless voor zijn scriptie 'De organisatie van botnetbestrijding in Nederland')


    [25] Cybersecurity: hoe kan het beter?
    Studium Generale Open Universiteit, Heerlen, October 5, 2024.
    [24] Hoe veilig is AI? Uitdagingen en risico’s bij toepassing van AI
    - Bibliotheek Weert, June 18, 2024.
    - Bibliotheek Son, November 18, 2024.
    [23] Emerging trends in cybersecurity: AI, cyber resilience & antifragility
    Route 443 Cyber Resilience Forum, Fortuna Stadion, Sittard, June 6, 2024.
    [22] OU-RU Guest Research on Security & Privacy
    Poster session Digital Security research, Radboud University, Nijmegen, May 22, 2024.
    [21] Opening and chair.
    Thalia Symposium 2024 on Cybercrime, Nijmegen, April 24, 2024.
    [20] Threats and opportunities of AI in cybersecurity
    Presentatie Politie Nederland, Maastricht, December 12, 2023.
    [19] Software security en de weg naar beveiligde software
    OU Inspiratie-event Software Kwaliteit, Den Bosch, May 11, 2023.
    [18] Botnet detection: detection of DGA-generated domain names
    OUrsi, online, May 10, 2022.
    [17] The Environmental Footprint of Cryptocurrencies
    Thalia Symposium 2022 on Cryptocurrency, Nijmegen, April 22, 2022.
    [16] Estimating Filecoin's Environmental Impact
    Filecoin Orbit Community Event - Green Filecoin, online, October 19, 2021 (recording available on YouTube).
    [15] Detecting software vulnerabilities with AI
    Radboud Digital Security group Lunch Talk, online, January 15, 2021.
    [14] The electricity consumption of bitcoin mining revisited
    Symposium on Learning and Innovation in Resilient Systems, Heerlen, October 24, 2019.
    [13] Het energieverbruik van bitcoin mining: zin en onzin
    NOH-I mini-symposium, Utrecht, September 11, 2019.
    [12] Botnets and botnet detection
    UWDC (Universitaire Werkgroep Datacommunicatie), Heerlen, September 13, 2018.
    [11] Het energieverbruik achter de bitcoin (slides)
    Informatica studiedag, Utrecht, September 7, 2018.
    [10] Why does bitcoin mining consume so much electricity?
    Nationale Dag voor Duurzaamheid in het Hoger Onderwijs 2018 (NDDHO18), Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, May 25, 2018.
    [9] Waarom komen bitcoins uit je stopcontact?
    Lecture at Universiteit van Nederland, January 24, 2018 (also on YouTube).
    [8] Sustainability of bitcoin and blockchains
    Symposium on Learning and Innovation in Resilient Systems, Heerlen, March 23, 2017.
    [7] Resilience of the Internet: case studies on DNS availability and botnet detection
    TouW-symposium, Amsterdam, November 19, 2016.
    [6] Security in onderwijs en onderzoek
    TouW-symposium, Amsterdam, 24 november 2012.
    (slides and videorecording; video also available on YouTube).
    [5] Beveiligen? Leer denken als een hacker!
    Belastingdienst, 20 januari en 24 mei 2011.
    - Belastingdienst - Week van de Inspiratie, Apeldoorn, September 24, 2010.
    [4] Virtualisatie: techniek voor groene ICT
    TouW-dag, Antwerpen, June 5, 2010.
    [3] Informatiebeveiliging: een (on)haalbare kaart?
    Universiteit Antwerpen, October 22, 2009.
    - Universiteit Gent, 24 juni 2009.
    [2] Dus u denkt dat internetbankieren veilig is?
    Lustrumviering Alumnivereniging Open Universiteit, Heerlen, September 26, 2009.
    - Wetenschapscafé, Heerlen, 19 mei 2009.
    [1] De nieuwe cursus Security en IT
    Het virtuele lab bij de cursus Security en IT

    TouW-symposium, Amsterdam, November 15, 2008.

    Media coverage

    [24] Report: Vast majority of blockchain energy studies ’lack scientific rigor’, Cointelegraph, Zhiyuan Sun, October 26, 2022.
    [23] Onderzoekers Open Universiteit geciteerd in belangrijke klimaatrapporten IPCC, Nieuwsbericht website Open Universiteit, April 28, 2022.
    [22] Het reduceren van de milieuvoetafdruk van cryptominen, Nieuwsbericht website Open Universiteit, April 12, 2022.
    [21] Cited in article Buurman wil Bitcoins delven en dus moet de hele straat open by Diede Hoekstra Eindhovens Dagblad, January 20, 2022.
    [20] Cited in article Bitcoins 'minen' lucratief, maar gevolgen voor stroomvoorziening groot by Fiorella Opromolla, NOS, April 18, 2021.
    [19] Cited in article Bitcoin mining is horrible for the environment. Here's what we can do about it by AJ Dellinger, Mic, February 6, 2021.
    [18] Cited in article Making Sense of Bitcoin’s Insatiable Energy Appetite by Greg Milner, Breaker, November 2, 2018.
    [17] Cited in article Bitcoin’s popularity has a downside: It’s an energy glutton that could hurt Earth’s climate, study finds by Chris Mooney, The Washington Post, October 29, 2018.
    [16] Cited in article Bitcoin verbruikt net zo veel stroom als Oostenrijk by Bard van de Weijer, de Volkskrant, May 16, 2018.
    [15] Interview in Modulair on bitcoin mining, February 2018.
    [14] TV appearance in L1 journaal (item on electricity usage of bitcoin mining, 2:50-7:00), January 22, 2018 (see also ’Honderden computers in Eygelshoven op zoek naar nieuwe bitcoins’).
    [13] TV appearance in NOS-journaal (item on electricity usage of bitcoin mining, 13:05-15:48), Dutch television, December 28, 2017 (see also ’Bitcoinjagers veroorzaken explosieve stijging energieverbruik’).
    [12] Cited in article No, bitcoin isn't likely to consume all the world’s electricity in 2020 by Tom DiChristopher, CNBC.com, December 21, 2017.
    [11] Cited in article Why the bitcoin craze is using up so much energy by Chris Mooney, The Washington Post, December 19, 2017.
    [10] Interview by Owen Bennett Jones for radio programme Newshour Extra, BBC World Service, December 12, 2017.
    [9] Cited in article Bitcoin - Bubble or Beginning? Both! Part II by Jasmeet Chadha, December 1, 2017.
    [8] Cited in article Bitcoin sluger lige så meget strøm som hele Danmark by Anders Worup, Danish Broadcast Corporation, December 7, 2017.
    [7] Cited in article Bitcoin energy boom stamps down colossal carbon footprint by Ajit Niranjan, Deutsche Welle, December 7, 2017.
    [6] Cited in article Warum der Bitcoin-Boom die globale Energiewende bedroht by Hilmar Schmundt, Der Spiegel, December 7, 2017.
    [5] Cited in article ’The currency bubble that burns energy: Bitcoin guzzles more electricity than 159 of the world’s countries’ by Ben Gelblum, TheLondonEconomic.com, December 3, 2017.
    [4] Cited in article How much energy does bitcoin mining really use? It’s complicated by Nicole Kobie, WiredUK, December 2, 2017.
    [3] Cited in blog Are Bitcoin and Blockchain Bad for the Environment? by Tom Worthington, November 4, 2017.
    [2] I was interviewed by Peter Fairley for his article on the energy consumption of bitcoin mining in IEEE Spectrum. The article has been published online as The Ridiculous Amount of Energy It Takes to Run Bitcoin on September 28, 2017. The article has been published in IEEE Spectrum as 'Feeding the blockchain beast if bitcoin ever does go mainstream, the electricity needed to sustain it will be enormous', 54(10):36-59 (October 2017).
    [1] I appeared in the RTLZ-webinar on security & privacy of big data, October 11, 2017 (video).